earning money by doing nothing


Sunday, May 1, 2016

In dubai you can push a fridge...

About 8% of human DNA

When he was dying....

The longest ever record..

A 69 years old Tibenan Buddhist...

Granddaughter and her...

Man survives plan crash..

The Greenland Shark

Leonado Dicaprio wa named

The pudu deer is...

Jimmy carter said..

In Tunisia

Answer within 10 seconds

`Mogan Freeman wear earing

Hugging for 20 seconds

A woman in russia

Mico headphones

Issac Newton

Lion licking blood

`R. Norris william

A Man with a chronic ear

Australian scientist

Craig Danniel

This is the billiard that creates drinkable water out of thin air

This is tree that has been bobbing

A columbian woman was raised by monkeys after being kidnapped

Holocaust survivor salutes US soldier

who liberated him from concentration camp

Sunday, April 24, 2016



This dog

instead of using actual spray

That moon...

your brains are...

Despite the rumors..

This house has a print....

To make friends with an unfamiliar cat

How to make your memories stronger?

Who named the earth?

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Here is a great Gospel magic trick that uses the fun science experiment that many people call "Elephant Toothpaste." It teaches about God's overflowing love
Here's a stunning levitation where you cause a playing card to mysteriously float from one hand to the other.
Here’s a stunning levitation where you cause a playing card to mysteriously float from one hand to the other. As you can see in our video, it looks great. There’s some crafting involved and you’ll have to watch your lighting and clothing and distance, but we’ll talk you through the process. Soon, you’ll be baffling and dazzling your friends. Learn it here.